It's nice that Mac OS version if Owely is going live at same time as WWDC 2010, it's not for iphone but just for our apple users, that really want simplest screenshot sharing tool. Right now we continue our work to put same logic for Windows and make nice installer for Linux, but this can take time. Meanwhile "HURRAY!!!!!"
I know that we promised to have cross-platform version till end of spring, but you know how it is, you plan and believe, but it so slow... Still this is beta version, so please give us a hint what is not working and what you think would be nice to have.
About our next plans I want to say that we want to extend drawing logic and make it more efficient for users, make color selection and some helping mechanisms. Hope we will have enough time for everything, because some new functions on the site are coming.
You can download mac version on refreshed download page
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